Knowing Me, Knowing You (again!)

Hey, remember the Knowing Me, Knowing You sessions that I ran a while ago? Well I’m doing another one this week.

If you don’t remember what this is about, check out this description from an earlier one.

These sessions are limited to 20 people in order that we can keep the conversation flowing. If you want to come, you can register by sending a message via the Cathedral office (0141-339-6691) or alternatively you can try out a new online registration system that I’m experimenting with.

If you want to come and want to register online then just go to this link and fill in the boxes.

Oh, and by the way, this one is limited to one event per person. If you’ve been before, I’m afraid you can’t come again, in order that we can keep making room for new folk and people who missed out last time.

However, if you have been to one with me before, it does not stop you going to one of the subsequent evenings which are being arranged for similar conversations with my colleagues. More details about those events in a further post.

Knowing me, Knowing you. Aha?

Just back in from an evening in the synod hall with 20 members of the congregation. This was prompted by my being told a while ago that it would be good for people to have a chance to get to know me. I’m not sure what that means. After all, I’m such an easy person to get to know don’t you think? Never an unpublished thought, after all.

Anyway, this is why 20 of us got together tonight for an evening which was advertised as “Knowing me, Knowing you, an evening of conversation with the Provost”.

They asked me all kinds of questions, including:

  • What were my early influences?
  • How did I get from being a Salvationist to being an Episcopalian?
  • How do you describe God to an eight year old?
  • Did I really stand for Parliament, and why?
  • What would schism mean?
  • Where are we now and where are we going as a church?
  • Why is the church growing at the moment?
  • Why did you want to come to St Mary’s?
  • How does the blogging relate to ministry

It was a good relaxed evening. It was also an opportunity for people to get to know one another just a bit better and get to know the names of folk that they have not really met before.

It seemed to be a good thing to do and so I’m going to have a look at the diary tomorrow and name a day for another similar evening.
