We had a good bible study last night at the LGBT group here at St Mary’s. I thought I’d post the basic questions here and see whether people wanted to have a go at answering them here too.
First of all we read most of Genesis Chapter 2. (You can find the text at the Oremus Bible Browser)
Then we had a go at these questions
- What strikes you about the text?
- Does the text tell us more about how people think about God or about how God thinks about us? Why?
- What different patters of partnership can you think of from the Bible?
And then we had a look at this picture (Willem Vrelant, 1460s illuminator Flemish, died 1481—Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.)
And tried to answer these questions:
- What strikes you about the picture?
- What influence does this story have on you today?
I’d be interested to hear any responses on here. (Why can’t we do bible study on a blog post?)
And here is an extra question for those answering today:
- What difference do you think it might make studying the story of Adam and Eve in an LGBT group to any other group?
Don’t be shy…
I like that, Jo. Only in the ch 2 story we have various threads, and only one emphasises gender, the other is, it seems to me, more interested simply in the humanness of the companion. But I am cheating and looking back at ch 1 where god makes people as male and female form the start – and does not go into the tedious rib business.