What have you been looking for?

Time for a quick list of things that people have recently been searching for which have brought them to this blog:

  • megalomaniacs in the church
  • episcopate of all believers
  • multifaith chaplain uniform
  • brown bridesmaid slippers
  • anglican bishop frock coat gaiters
  • gold bridesmaid shoes
  • kilt and bowler hat
  • how do you baptise someone when you dip
  • homburg hats
  • sermon: four horsemen
  • gay friendly chapel blessing
  • tarantara

It is a salutary reminder to one’s ego that there is one thing which consistently brings people to this blog. It is not the goings on in the communion. It is not the debate on footwear in the sanctuary and it is not the Advent Candle Controversy, even though that brings people looking here every week of the year. It isn’t even +Gene.

No, the thing that people are looking for which easily tops the search terms used to find this blog is my pancake recipe which was posted in 2004. Indeed, it is responsible for more than double the number of visitors than any other single search term.

What people are looking for

The eagle-eyed (and the geeky) amongst you will have noticed that I’m now using a proper tagging system. Tags are appearing at the end of each post rather than in an ever expanding list of categories down the side of the page. Your blogging tip of the day is that tags are not categories and categories are not tags.

Such taxonomies help people find their way around the internet. They help the search engines.

So here is a list of some of the search engine terms that have brought people to this blog in the last couple of weeks:

  • “gregorian chant” nuns
  • don’t take him just because you can
  • st silas episcopal church
  • elves in the basement
  • wysiwig sermon
  • General Synod on life after death
  • No socks in church
  • shoes churches
  • the mcintosh kilt
  • general trivia
  • episcopal kilt
  • blessing civil partnerships scotland
  • african church understanding not very deep
  • church of fudge nun
  • good short sermons

Don’t know quite what to make of this list. What do you think?

Whatever you are looking for, welcome, one and all